Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thinking of decorating ideas...and benefits of lemongrass

so, it's time for me to start thinking about decorating. I want to use a lot of repurposed material to make some really fun displays. My friend is giving me an old door, and I am going to try to add some shelving onto it. I also want to gather a whole bunch of mason jars and make a chandelier out of them...I found a site that gives a tutorial on how to make one, and I also found a site about how to tint the colors of the mason jars. I think it'll be a fun project!
I need to be thinking about fun props for dogs and cats in the photo studio...I want to make (with the help of my mom) a chair out of a suitcase! I have seen something similar for dog and cat beds, which would also be really fun to make.

On a side-note, I went to a folklore herbalist class yesterday, and found out some pretty fun stuff! The topic of the class was veterinary herbalism, and I found out that lemongrass helps with urinary tract support and digestion in animals, and you can put it right into their water! Also, this is one of those plants that grows really easily in Florida and can get really big!
Dogs will choose to eat the lemongrass if they need it- if you've ever had a dog eating grass, perhaps this is why.

Here is an article on why dogs occasionally nosh on grass:
why do dogs eat grass?


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